Pharmacies for Sale
Melbourne Pharmacy with a Prestige Inner-Northern Location
Pharmacy Business Highlights:
- Located only 4.7KM North from the CBD
- Projected 2019 EBIT $244,149
- Owner operated
- Limited direct competition
- Attractive lease arrangements
- Strong community links
- Independent brand and no banner group fees
- Huge upside and ability to grow
Great Inner City Location less than 5km from Melbourne CBD
Pharmacy Operation Highlights:
- Highly Desirable
- Total Adjusted Turnover for previous financial year $1,267,959
- Total Adjusted EBIT (After Pharmacist Wage) for previous financial year $175,081
- Low Staffing Overheads
- Great Potential Upside
Traditional strip shop pharmacy located in the South Eastern Suburbs
- Traditional strip shop pharmacy
- Low rental and staff numbers
- Operating 5 ½ days per week
- Average monthly scripts since January 2017 – 2632 per month
- Average monthly customer numbers since January 2017 – 1751 per month
- Large potential for growth and upside
- Projected annual EBIT- $312,900.43 (After Wages)
Iconic Pharmacy With Established Community Ties- Offers Over $1.3m
Excellent Entry Point Purchase With Continued Upside
- Iconic Pharmacy With Established Community Ties
- Excellent Entry Point Purchase With Continued Upside
- Outer Melbourne Eastern Suburbs Location
- Projected EBIT $167,584 – After Owners Wage
Asking Price of Offers Over $1,300,000
Inner Western Suburbs Pharmacy
Pharmacy Operation Highlights:
- Pharmacy located directly next door to a Woolworths Supermarket
- Woolworths Supermarket has had a major $500,000 renovation within the last 4 months
- Extensive parking available at the front of the store for over 80 cars
- Located only 9km from the Melbourne CBD
- Surrounding suburbs include Maribyrnong, North Melbourne, Maidstone & Footscray
- New medical centre opened 2 months ago, just 400 metres from the pharmacy!
- Current Gross Profit – 36.15%
- Net Income After Add-backs and Pharmacist Wage – $306,383
Desirable Pharmacy located Inner East Suburbs Melbourne – Sold for above $1,350,000
Outstanding Pharmacy Business – The shop you have been waiting for!
- Open 5 ½ days per week
- Limited wage costs
- Rental under 2.5% of Turnover
- Gross Profit $391,004
- Adjusted Net Profit $211,060 (After Pharmacist Wage)
- Upmarket clientele and location
- Scope to improve and grow!
Single Pharmacy Town – Seeking Offers Over $850,000
Single Pharmacy Town On The Victorian Coast
The business presents excellent potential for growth and financial upside for a driven and focused operator.
- 2016 Annualised Turn Over $1,389,014
- Projected Gross Profit – 30%
- Projected 2016 Gross Profit – $416,704
- Projected 2016 EBIT $221,323
- Limited staffing numbers
- Attractive lease arrangements
- Strong community links
Pharmacy In The Heart Of The Mornington Peninsula – Price On Application
Pharmacy In The Heart Of The Mornington Peninsula
Iconic pharmacy for sale in the heart of the Mornington Peninsula:
- Total Income – $4,557,936
- Gross Margin – 33.72%
- Gross Profit – $1,536,712
- Total Expenses $1,044,363 (Including Wages)
- Total EBIT – $492,349

Ultimate Beachside Pharmacy Opportunity – Northern NSW
Pharmacy Operation Highlights:
- Small shopping complex location with ample parking
- Multi-year renovation of the shopping complex just completed
- Doctors Surgery 20 metres from the Pharmacy
- Growing daily customer and script numbers
- IGA Supermarket located at the rear of the Pharmacy
- Professional on-site treatment rooms rented to Allied Health Professionals
- Low staff numbers and overheads
- Large scope to grow and establish a thriving business